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SUBJECT   FIFA 2006 Korean language version beta tester recruitment notification
NAME   webmaster
Electronic Arts Korea (EA KOREA) has informed to us that recruits FIFA 2006 beta tester of FIFA 2006 Korean language version. Here are detailed information.

- Recruitment class : 'FIFA 2006' Language Tester
- Recruitment period : Until July 15, 2005
- Needs : 4 Persons
- Main Job : The bug report and testing about FIFA 2006 doing test play (PC, PS2, PSP), and check whether Korean translation is natural and suitable.

- Condition
: Intelligent person about Hangul grammar, rules of spelling.
: Many experience and comprehension about FIFA series.
: There is sense of responsibility and sincere person.

- Employment formality : Submit from simple resume to E-mail.

- Submit E-mail : eajob@ea.co.kr

- Interview : There is an interview if pass the document Judging.

- Education : There is education of 1th limiting to interview successful candidate.

Desire that persons who want participation of FIFA KOREA members make out and submit application form to EA KOREA(eajob@ea.co.kr).

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